Saturday, January 24, 2009

And Now...The Reason AbS is Here...

(Yes, I'm stealing more pictures from

Happy Birthday, Ed! I hope you have a great day!

To celebrate AbS's favorite day of the year, KN and I will be dining on sushi (one of Ed's favorite take out foods), decorating her coffee table with a tablesKape of Ed - fit only for a crazy person (or Sandra Lee), and watching some highlights of "The Office" seasons 3 and 4, as well as "The Daily Show: Indecision 2004" DVD. Maybe we'll even listen to a little Lonesome Trio and pretend Ed is serenading us.

So, for those of you who can't party with us, have a shot to celebrate Ed and all the brilliance he has given us over the past year.

P.S. Photo of tablesKape to come.


Anonymous said...

You beat me to the birthday punch! I'm gonna blame it on the time difference. I posted something too :)

I love that photo. I love Sundance portraits -- they're so pretty!

How did you find when Lonesome trio was performing? I'm planning on visiting NYC sometime soon. That would be ultra cool to see them!

Anonymous said...

Yay I got Iko's seal of approval :)

So I am conjecturing that you have a partner in crime that shares your Ed Helms appreciation?? For that, I'm jealous!