I have something no one else has - my brain.
Which I use to my advantage, when advantageous.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm Still Here, I Promise
OK, sorry guys, I'm running a study at work (again) and it's taking up a ton of time. I'm hoping to do a double post about the "Top Chef" episode from last week and this week on Friday, once the study is finished. In the meantime, enjoy this eye candy:
Hopefully it makes up for the total lack of Ed in last week's episode - WTF Mindy? Why even bother to write an episode that contains no Andrew Bernard?
She won't, its true, because she happens to see a guy every day who looks like Ed, well, Ed in glasses. With that kind of handsome cuteness around all the time, it's a tough addiction to kick!
She didnt write an episode with Andy Bernard in it as a favor to you: to break you of this addiction!
@EdT - NOOOOOO! I will never stop loving Ed!!
She won't, its true, because she happens to see a guy every day who looks like Ed, well, Ed in glasses. With that kind of handsome cuteness around all the time, it's a tough addiction to kick!
@Beth - Ha! Strong point!
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