Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yeah, so, OK....

I'm having a bit of an issue here at AbS, in that, I have lots of stuff to do, however, I wanted to remind everyone (by everyone, I mean the two people who read this blog - one of them being me) to watch "Top Chef" tonight. It's the premier of Season 4 and they're in a fantastic place to cook and eat - Chicago, or "Chi-Town" as I sometimes call it, mostly to my own detriment. Perhaps if my exam goes well tonight and I actually figure out what's wrong with my SAS program I'll even blog about it.

Don't worry - the Otto blog is coming soon, too. Also, for those of you who didn't catch it, check out the season finale of "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations." He and Eric Ripert cooked at his old work place, Les Halles, and it was basically made of awesome. I almost felt badly for Tony when he realized he couldn't read the tickets...and Eric was all kinds of hot.

That's all. Sorry I have to study and work...blogging is much more fun.


Unknown said...

Watching... where are you???

iko said...

Gah! Tony Bourdain!